Working With Clearway

Landowners like you make our work possible. As a Clearway partner it is important to us that you, the community, and your land are taken care of.

In developing clean energy projects, we provide the financial and human capital to design, permit and construct these projects.  We work closely with landowners to understand your property and size a project appropriately to maximize its energy potential while balancing its existing use. By the end of the project lifecycle, we make sure your land is in better condition than when we started.

Contact us

We Start With Communities

We’re committed to being a good neighbor everywhere we develop projects. We start by listening to landowners and the local community getting feedback and understanding any concerns.

Then we thoughtfully include the advice of community stakeholders, and local government while surveying, designing, and permitting a project. We look to hire locally first. Our projects create new jobs and support community businesses, long-term work and new tax revenue that boosts the local economy for the life of the project.

Bringing Resources To Your Community

From new job creation to patronizing local Businesses to generating millions of dollars in new tax revenue over the life of a project, your land can give back to your community like never before.

As a long-term owner-operator, Clearway employees are part of the community.  We work with nonprofit organizations, support school events and contribute to the fabric of the place you call home.

Clearway Partners Just Like You

Hear from other farmers and landowners who are enjoying a higher quality of life with Clearway projects on their land.

Regenerating Your Land

The beautiful thing about clean energy projects is how remarkably little land they can be built on while the land's existing use is often maintained.

Clearway works hand and hand with landowners who know their property best.  We listen and discuss design details to accommodate property-specific features to ensure the land is as productive as possible. In addition, we work hard to prevent the spread of noxious weeds, reduce erosion and runoff, reseed with native vegetation, and increase pollinators in and around our projects to help nearby farmers and regenerate the lands under the projects we operate.

Who We’re Partnering With Now

Clearway is currently seeking competitive and equitable long-term partnerships with landowners in specific U.S. markets for community solar projects.  We would love to work with you if you own land less than an acre, all the way up to over 100,000 acres. If you’re interested in making a difference by leasing your land, please reach out to us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does my land qualify for a solar or wind farm?

We’re seeking landowners who want to lease their land for long-term solar or wind projects, which can last up to 40 years. The physical requirements are about 10-15 continuous acres of open land that are not currently in use for agriculture and are not built up as housing, or commercial property. We also want to make sure we’re near infrastructure and a power grid so we can run lines to add energy to the grid once it’s produced. We run specialized reports to make sure any agricultural, environmental, and wildlife concerns are taken care of before we begin, and we try to be respectful of any vegetation already in place. We include you as the landowner in discussing what your plans are for the land and put our solar farms on the best fit.

How do you decide which communities get solar or wind?

Several factors go into siting an energy project, including available and suitable land, proximity to interconnection into the grid, and the local and state regulatory environment. 

How much can I earn leasing land for a solar or wind project?

We aim to compensate landowners fairly for leasing their land with a continuous and predictable long-term stream of income once a project is in place. Payments vary by area and the price of electricity, but once an agreement is reached you can expect us to fulfill our contract and get you monthly payments on time.

Do solar panels or wind turbines make noise?

Solar panels don’t make any noise while they collect sunlight, but a few of the electrical components like inverters and transformers emit a low hum. Wind turbines tend to make a pleasant swishing sound that is not audible unless quite close to them. The location of this equipment is always far away from neighboring homes so there is no noticeable sound.

Are solar panels and wind turbines safe?

Solar panels themselves are manufactured from safe, non-toxic materials. The primary components are glass, plastic, and metal, with zero runoff or pollution. That goes for the other parts that the panels hook up to as well, making it a great way to generate power for your community with no pollution added to your land, water, or air. Wind turbines are made from durable materials which can be recycled at the end of the project. They emit no pollution and have an outstanding safety track record.

Will a solar farm be an eyesore?

Visual buffering is a practice we integrate. Often this means adding vegetation like trees and shrubs along the roadside and around the outside perimeter of a solar or wind farm so that most people barely even see the panels. We always strive to maintain the natural beauty of the land and soften the visual impact. We also host community meetings to gather local input on all aspects of the project. 

What happens to my property after the project is over?

We thoroughly clean up every part of the solar and wind farm at the end of a project life, leaving the land and roads in better condition than when we started. We also take part in a national recycling program for our solar panels and wind turbines. The metal, glass, and wiring are all recyclable, as well as the silicon cells.

What happens when the owner of property passes away?

To change the payee(s) on our records, you must change the recorded title of the property.

Can I still allow hunting on my land?

Solar and wind farms and facilities are enclosed in a fenced area, where anything outside of that area is your land to use as you see fit. All local laws and hunting practices still apply.

Will agricultural land now be taxed as commercial land?

For the duration of the project, ag land that is being taxed as agriculture-exempt will lose this exemption, but the penalty will be paid for by Clearway. Leasing solar on your land will not change the zoning designation of your or your neighbor's properties.

We’re Building A Better Future Together

At Clearway, we want your help building a legacy of clean, affordable energy for generations to come.

Find out more about leasing your land so we can pay you top dollar for harvesting nature’s resources while benefiting your community with valuable tax revenue. Reach out to us to see if your land is a good fit for upcoming projects.

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